Postal survey: statistics cross-border e-commerce shopping 2017

Consumers worldwide, including in Curaçao, are increasingly shopping online. With online shopping accelerating, data on global consumer trends, preferences, expectations, experiences and other key drivers that shape cross-border e-commerce shopping are therefore becoming of utmost value to online retailers, cross-border (online) shipping companies and freight forwarders and postal companies to assess and further elevate service levels or re-evaluate strategies.

The International Postal Corporation (IPC) has released the 2017 publication of the cross-border e-commerce shopper survey 2017. Based on research of online shopping behavior of over 28,000 cross-border shoppers in 31 countries this survey provides useful data for comprehensive analysis that serves as a frame of reference for the consumers’ perspective on a global level.

Topics covered by the 2017 survey results published January 2018 include, among others:

  • Online shopping preferences (e.g. preferred device, preferred location for deliveries and returns, etc.).
  • Delivery and tracking expectations (e.g. expected speed of delivery from particular regions, relative importance of tracking at various stages).
  • Most recent cross-border e-commerce experience (an in-depth overview of most recent experience, including details of the product purchased such as weight, dimensions, category, value, the delivery experience, customs & returns, etc.).
  • The impact of physical advertising mail by e-retailers on online consumers.

Download this recent publication of the cross-border e-commerce shopper survey 2017, or watch the series of short clips featuring the most notable highlights of the survey, which can be used as a guide through the printed results of the survey.

(Source: cross-border e-commerce shopper survey 2017BT&P publication period: 2018)