BT&P publishes telecommunication performance indicators 2021

Bureau Telecommunicatie en Post (BT&P) has published the Telecommunication Services Performance Indicators report 2021.

The report discusses the trends in telecommunication services over the past years including regional and international benchmarking.

This is the 8th report that is based on data that BT&P collected through an internationally standardized questionnaire from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).  This questionnaire was sent to operators in the first half of 2021, requesting them to provide the values on the point-in-time date of 31 December 2020 (EOY 2020).

Download the latest Publication by BT&P for an extensive overview of the relevant data on Telecommunication Performance Indicators.

ITU questionnaire as a research source

Over 200 economies worldwide take part in the annual ITU questionnaire, which is the basis for the benchmarking conducted by BT&P.  Regulating bodies of various participating countries provide broadband and telecommunication data to ITU for this purpose. All relevant collected data are published annually by ITU. For 2019 these were published in ITU yearbook of Statistics 2019, which includes Curaçao, and in the publication Measuring the Digital Development ICT Price Trends 2019.

As part of its research BT&P has compared the questionnaire data applicable to Curaçao with similar economies in the Caribbean, South America, Central America and the global average. BT&P also uses international research data and collected data (datasets) from recognized research institutions such as the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) for benchmark research purposes.

All the collected information provides a very significant contribution to the insight of BT&P into the current market situation in Curaçao as compared to other economies. Consequently, it is a very valuable indicator for the effectiveness of applied policy measures.

(Source: Telecommunication Services Performance Indicators 2021 | ITU. Publication period BT&P: 2021)