Benchmark Telecommunication, Broadband and Television Indicators 2014

In 2014, BT&P collected data about the developments in the markets for telephone (fixed and mobile), broadband (fixed and wireless) and (television) broadcasting services through research (a survey) conducted among providers of services in these fields. The measuring point used for this survey was 31 December 2013. The result of the survey is available for reading in the Benchmark report Telecommunication, Broadband and Television Indicators 2014. Download the report here: Benchmark Telecommunication, Broadband and Television Indicators 2014.

The information in this report is based on the annual standardized survey of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), which was distributed to be filled in among service providers (‘operators’) in the field of telecommunication, broadband and (television) broadcasting. This ITU survey includes researching for each service what the development is of the number of subscriptions and appurtenant costs for the services provided.
ITU survey as research source

ITU survey as research source

Over 200 economies worldwide take part in the annual ITU survey, on which, among other things, this benchmark research is based. The regulating bodies of various participating countries provide broadband and telecommunication data to ITU for this. The collected data are published annually by ITU in the ‘ITU yearbook of Statistics ’, in which Curaçao is included since 2014.

The ITU also issues the publication ‘Measuring the Information Society’ every year, the latest edition of which dates from 2014. As part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Curaçao is registered as an ITU member. The data from Curaçao are not registered separately at ITU. Curaçao is therefore not included in the publication ‘Measuring the Information Society’. However, there are talks underway to establish the separate registration at the ITU.

For the benchmark research BT&P has compared the survey data with similar economies in the Caribbean, South America, Central America and the global average. BT&P also uses international research data and collected data (datasets) of recognized research institutions like the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) and the Ookla Speedtest for the benchmark research. The speedtest is usually measured throughout the year, from January until December. There is no specific measuring point for this.

All the collected information provides a very significant contribution to the insight of BT&P into the current market situation in Curaçao as compared to other economies and besides this, it is a valuable indicator for the effectiveness of the applied policy measures.

(Source: Benchmark Telecommunication, Broadband and Television Indicators 2014. BT&P Publication period: 2015)